PhysicsQuest 2017


Learn about sound by creating instruments, manipulating sound through different mediums, and making sound waves visual.
Spectra 9 cover image

Middle school lesson plans for sound

Straw Trombone icon

How does changing the length of an instrument change the pitch?

Talking Tapes icon

How does the speed of vibration affect sound?

Beat Frequency icon

What do you hear when there are two sounds that have similar, but not identical, pitches?

Laser Dance Party icon

What do sound vibrations look like?


Activity 1: Straw Trombone

Answer: As the length of the vibrating object increases, the pitch drops.
Doubling the length of the resonator doubles the frequency, and lowers the pitch by an octave.

Activity 2: Talking Tape

Answer: The sound waves don't spread out as much before reaching your ear, when your ear is closer to the cup.

Activity 3: Beat Frequency

Answer: The volume changes when sound waves add together or cancel out. Pitches that are similar, but not quite the same, alternate once every second per Hz of difference between the two.

Activity 4: Laser Dance Party

Answer: Using full volume on the speaker vibrates the rubber glove the most, and having a large distance between the cup and the wall creates a large pattern.


Physics teacher with students

Introduce students to current physics topics through hands-on activities.

Swinging Yo-Yo icon

What variables affect the period of a pendulum?

Straw Rockets icon

How does the bounce height of a ball change with the height from which it’s dropped?

Drinking Bird Races icon

How do different metals conduct heat?

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