Reports and Studies

Providing compelling information and analysis to address societal challenges

APS compiles reports and studies to influence policy issues, advance DEI in physics, examine the impact of industrial physics, and annually discuss our successful initiatives.

Science policy reports

The APS Panel on Public Affairs (POPA) oversees reports that present technical assessments in areas of interest to the physics community, policy decision-makers, and the general public. Topics covered in these reports range from energy and the environment to national security.

Government Affairs reports

APS’s Government Affairs reports examine physics and STEM policy issues, such as research security and open science.

This report offers policy recommendations aimed at reformulating current research security policies to increase the ability of the United States to attract and retain international talent.

Survey of more than 3,200 physics professionals and students shows that the U.S. federal government’s current approach to addressing research security concerns is weakening, not strengthening, the U.S. scientific enterprise.

New APS survey results reveal that more than two-thirds of the international, first-year physics Ph.D. students who were slated to enroll in fall 2020 are still not on campus.

Task force and committee reports

APS annual reports

Annual reports provide our members, donors, and the physics community with transparent information about our initiatives, successes, and finances.

Education reports

Education reports summarize the themes, findings, and recommendations of the events and initiatives that help prepare the next generation of physicists.

Industrial physics reports

APS has produced several reports examining the critical role of industrial physicists to U.S. economic growth and development and the need to support physicists who pursue careers in industry.

In partnership with the American Institute of Physics, a federation of physical science societies, APS asked the APS Industrial Physics Advisory Board to organize a study on the impact of U.S. industrial physics and to issue its findings in a publicly available report.

Physics has been a prime mover of industrial development in the United States for over 100 years. Physicists in industry have made possible the technological advances of modern products that make our lives safer, better, and easier as well as improving the security and infrastructure of our nation. In many ways, industrial physics is responsible for the creation of the modern age.

The creation of economic value from research knowledge has moved from the province of vertically integrated firms to loose global consortia. Research projects and their funding have gone global, with contributors from all over the world working together via the Internet. Trained technical manpower has become globally available and plentiful, as has the capital for commercially oriented R&D projects.


APS studies serve occasional needs outside the scope of POPA reports by providing detailed data on technical issues of importance to APS, the physics community, and policymakers. For more information about APS studies, please contact the Government Affairs team.


APS publications are a trusted source of peer-reviewed research, in-depth articles, current news, and topical commentary about physics and its place in the world.

Two people speaking to each other at Congressional Visits Day

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