Policies | Policy

Code of Conduct for APS Activities


The mission of the American Physical Society is to advance physics by fostering a vibrant, inclusive, and global community dedicated to science and society. To accomplish this, we champion a culture of mutual respect, inclusion, access, and belonging. Everyone has a responsibility to create a collegial and professional environment that advances physics and accelerates discovery.

Scope and Applicability

The Code of Conduct1 sets expectations for behavior that govern APS members, non-members, staff, contractors, exhibitors, and sponsors who participate in an APS program or sanctioned activity. APS sanctioned activities include, but are not limited to, APS meetings, publications, honors, recognition, and all appointed or elected positions. The Code presents standards for ethical and professional conduct designed to promote positive interactions within the physics community and with the public.

I. APS Volunteer Leader Responsibilities

APS volunteer leaders are the goodwill ambassadors of APS. They are responsible for modeling ethical and professional standards. In addition to adhering to the APS Code of Conduct, volunteer leaders are expected, at a minimum, to do the following:

  1. Conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner, in accord with the APS Core Values;
  2. Hold themselves to the highest standard of professionalism, including acting with honesty and integrity, and championing a culture of mutual respect, inclusion, access, and belonging;
  3. Understand and comply with APS’ governing policies and procedures, and obey all laws and regulations in their professional work to avoid damaging the reputation of APS;
  4. Report any suspected violations of the APS Code of Conduct by using the reporting channels identified in this policy; and
  5. Maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or privileged information obtained during service to APS.

II. APS Member Responsibilities

Community: Members will create and uphold an open and professional environment for learning, conducting, and communicating science, consistent with the APS Core Values. Members will advance the APS mission by fostering a vibrant, inclusive, and global community dedicated to science and society.

Integrity: Members will treat each other with consideration and respect. Members will act with honesty and integrity while advancing science, taking responsibility for the trustworthiness of their research and its dissemination.

Conduct: Members adhere to the APS Code of Conduct, and will not engage in personal or professional misconduct, as described in Section III. All members and meeting attendees are responsible for creating an inviting and harassment-free environment through their own behavior and the discouragement of harassing behavior by others.

Reporting: Members will take responsibility to report observed misconduct and intervene where appropriate. Anyone experiencing or witnessing misconduct/unacceptable behavior should utilize one of the reporting channels identified in Section V below.

Social Media: APS members will adhere to the "Social Media and Photography Best Practices at Scientific Meetings." Members and meeting attendees will engage in dialogue based on mutual understanding, open and respectful exchange, and accuracy of information.

Conflicts of Interest: Members will disclose personal, professional, financial, or other conflicts of interest that could compromise the trustworthiness of their work in APS meetings, committees, publications, public communications, and honors/awards. Members will educate themselves on the scope of what could be perceived or constitutes a conflict of interest.

III. Conduct Prohibited by This Code2

The following types of conduct are prohibited by this Code:

  • Scientific misconduct
  • Harassment, discrimination, bullying, and abuse of power
  • Abusive language and/or behavior of any kind
  • Retaliation, including intimidating, threatening, or coercing others
  • Disruptive behavior during meetings or other events
  • Undisclosed conflicts of interest

Personal or professional misconduct occurring inside or outside of APS activities will be considered when evaluating nominees for fellowships, awards, and other forms of recognition by the Society. Instances of misconduct may also be subject to sanctions.

IV. Agreement to Abide by the Code of Conduct

Everyone who registers for or participates in an APS meeting or activity agrees to abide by the Code of Conduct and accepts the prescribed APS Ethics Investigation and Resolution Procedures. Unit leaders acknowledge that, as persons in positions of leadership, they will ensure that this Code is enforced and that they will report all suspected violations to the Head of Ethics.

V. Reporting Misconduct

1. Filing a Complaint: Any individual covered by this policy may file a complaint describing the alleged misconduct through one of the following reporting channels:

The report of an incident should include all relevant information (times, places, nature of the incident, and comments/responses). Emails, text, notes, and any other supporting documents should be submitted with the report. Confidentiality will be honored, to the extent permitted, to protect the rights of others.

2. Informal Resolution (Alternative to Filing a Complaint): If the target of the offending conduct believes that an informal resolution will likely prevent a recurrence, and the issue can be resolved without further action, an informal resolution such as mediation may be sought through unit leadership or a meeting organizer.

3. Procedures: The APS Investigation and Resolution Procedures set forth in detail the procedures for investigating violations of this Code of Conduct and the range of possible sanctions. These procedures apply to members and to non-members who participate in APS Activities.

1 Principles and code have been adapted from the following sources:

  • The AGU Scientific Integrity and Professional Ethics
  • IAU Code of Conduct
  • Societies Consortium Model-Investigations-Policy

2 Definitions, including types of misconduct, are found in the APS Ethics Investigation and Resolution Procedures Appendix which governs all ethics proceedings under this Code.

Revised and adopted by the Board of Directors: Dec. 16, 2024
Effective: Jan. 1, 2025

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