John Doyle

Henry B. Silsbee Professor of Physics

APS President

Harvard University

    John Doyle

    Research interests

    John Doyle's research is performed in atomic, molecular and optical physics and elementary particle physics. Doyle's current work centers around production, trapping and use of cold and ultra-cold molecules in a variety of experiments including studies of quantum information systems, collisions, quantum gases, optical spectroscopy and searches for time-reversal violating, beyond the standard model physics.

    Students, education & collaborations

    Doyle has supervised the PhD degrees of 31 students and seventeen postdocs, with career paths into academia, industry and national labs. He has taught graduate and undergraduate classes in in several subjects, including quantum mechanics. Additionally, he has taught several freshman seminars and co-developed the courses: Widely Applied Physics, applications of physics to the real world, for physics majors; and Science & Engineering for Managing COVID. He has performed research at MIT, Harvard and NIST Center for Neutron Research. His collaborative work, both past and present, is with researchers at Caltech, JILA, MIT, Northwestern University, University of Arizona, University of California Los Angeles, University of Chicago and Yale.

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