Plan ahead
If you are organizing an international physics meeting in the United States, you will need to plan ahead to ensure the attendance of international participants. Non-US citizens need to apply for their visas at least three to four months in advance. Thus, organizers should send invitation letters to these participants as early as possible.
Share information about your meeting with the US National Academies
The International Visitors Office (IVO) of the US National Academies encourages conference organizers who anticipate high international participant attendance, typically over 100 attendees, to complete an International Meeting Registration Form for their event. The information is used in efforts to increase scientific freedom.
View the International Meeting Registration Form
Provide personalized letters of invitation
Applicants may submit a letter of invitation when applying for a visa. Meeting organizers should provide attendees come from outside the US with letters of invitation well in advance of the meeting.
View APS's letters of invitation policies and procedures
Free circulation & travel of scientists
APS supports the free circulation and travel of scientists, and in 1992, the APS Council adopted the now-archived statement Free Circulation at IUPAP-Sponsored Meetings. This statement affirmed that all international scientific meetings should be conducted in accordance with IUPAP guidelines including free entry, exit and circulation of all participants without political conditions.
APS advises organizers of all international meetings held in the United States to conduct their meetings in accordance with International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Policy on Free Circulation of Scientists. Organizers are encouraged to include a statement to this effect in their meeting announcements.