Teacher Guide

Twists & Turns

Experimenting with force on spinning objects

When a tube spins in two directions at once, what does it look like?

This resource was originally published in PhysicsQuest 2010: Force!

This is the teacher guide for this lesson. A student-focused guide to assist learners as they perform the activity is available.

View the student guide: Twists & Turns

When a tube spins in two directions at once, what does it look like?

  • White cardboard tube
  • Marker

Suggested STEP UP Everyday Actions to incorporate into activity

  1. When pairing students, try to have male/female partners and invite female students to share their ideas first
  2. As you put students into groups, consider having female or minority students take the leadership role.

Take note of female participation. If they seem to be taking direction and following along, elevate their voice by asking them a question about their experiment.

  • Total time
    45 - 60 Minutes
  • Education level
    Grades 5 - 9
  • Content Area
  • Educational topic
    Torque, rotation

Have you ever watched a tea cup ride like the one in Disney World? The tea cups are rotating around two or even three axes at once. But think about what the people look like as they are whizzing by you. At some points you can clearly see their faces, its as if they were standing still, while at other times their faces are all a blur. Now think about what it feels like when you are on the ride (if you have not ridden this ride before, stop reading and go to your nearest amusement park. It counts as work, it's for science!).

At points you feel like you are spinning very fast, but at points you feel like you are sitting still even though you are still being spun in several directions at once. This spinning tube is like an ant sized tea cup ride. It’s spinning in two directions at once. One axis of rotation is down the middle of the tube and the second axis of rotation is perpendicular to the table sticking out of the very center of the tube. Once the tube is spinning in two directions because of the dual direction push from your finger, do you know how it all came together to make what you see happen? When things are moving in two ways at once, what you see is how the movement in the two directions adds up.

Think of a block with two strings tied to adjacent edges. Let say you pull on both strings at the same time. There’s force in two directions but you only see the box move in one direction, diagonally. This is because the forces add up and the movement is in the direction of the sum of these forces. The same effect happens when something spins. When the tube spins the resultant speed of the spin is found by adding the spin about both axes. Sometimes this adds up to a really fast spin and sometimes it adds up to spinning really slowly. When it adds up to a slow spin, your eye can see what is written on the tube. When you start the tube spinning by pushing on the “x,” the spinning always adds up to be slow when the “x” is on top so you can see it, but when the “o” is on top, the opposite is happening and the tube is spinning very fast so you can’t see the “o.” When the tube spins fast, you can actually see not one but 4 “x”s or “o”s. This is because it takes our eye and brain a bit of time to forget what it just saw, so the image of one “x” is still hanging out in your head when the next image appears. This keeps happening so you end up seeing all 4 “x”s at the same time.

You can try this experiment with different tubes of different lengths or diameters. It’s pretty easy to find white cardboard tubes around the house. PVC pipe works well too.

Key terms

These are the key terms that students should know by the END of the two lessons. They do not need to be front loaded. In fact, studies show that presenting key terms to students before the lesson may not be as effective as having students observe and witness the phenomenon the key terms illustrate beforehand and learn the formalized words afterwards. For this reason, we recommend allowing students to grapple with the experiments without knowing these words and then exposing them to the formalized definitions afterwards in the context of what they learned.

However, if these words are helpful for students on an IEP, ELL students, or anyone else that may need more support, please use at your discretion

  • Axis of rotation: When something is the imaginary line around which it spins.
  • Torque: The spinning force. For something like a wheel to start spinning, a force must be applied to one edge. This force is called torque.
  • Force: For something to change how it’s moving, a force must act on it. With no force, it will continue to do what it is doing. Force is equal to the mass of the object times the acceleration it feels.

Students will experiment with forces on spinning objects.

Before the Experiment
  • Draw a rolling log

    Draw a rolling log, what forces are acting on it that make it roll? Now draw these forces and an arrow indicating which direction the log is turning.

  • Snowball protocol
    • Pair students up
    • Give them a minute to think quietly
    • Give students 2 minutes to discuss their thinking
    • Have students record their answers or share out to the whole group
Setting Up
  • Cut the tube into two sections

    Cut the tube into two sections, one 1.5” long and one 2.5” long. (Figure 1)

  • Mark each end

    For each piece put an “x” on one end and an “o” on the opposite side at the opposite end. (Figure 2)

During the Experiment
Collecting Data
  • Students are put into intentional groups

    Make sure students are put into intentional groups. See above.

  • Students will complete the experiment using the Student Guide

    Students will complete the experiment using the Student Guide where we have outlined the experiment for students and along the way, they record results and answer questions.

Analyzing Data
  • Write about observations and what they mean

    In the student guide, they will write about their observations and what they mean.

  • Continue to listen in on each group’s discussion

    Continue to listen in on each group’s discussion, answer as few questions as possible. Even if a group is off a little, they will have a chance to work out these stuck points later.

Teacher tip

A great way to start any physics-related unit is with the STEP UP Careers in Physics lesson. This lesson covers careers one can do with a physics degree, particularly those that help solve societal problems. It helps students assess their personal values in relation to a career in physics, examine profiles of professionals with physics degrees, and envision themselves in a physics career.

Suggested STEP UP Everyday Actions to incorporate into the activity:

  • When pairing students, try to have male/female partners and invite female students to share their ideas first.
  • As you put students into groups, consider having females or students from underrepresented backgrounds take the leadership role.
  • Take note of female participation. If they seem to be only receiving direction and following along, elevate their voice by asking them a question about their experiment.

Consider using whiteboards so students have time to work through their ideas and brainstorm before saying them out loud.

As students experiment, roam around the room to listen in on discussion and notice experiment techniques. If needed, stop the class and call over to a certain group that has hit on an important concept.

Consider using the RIP protocol (Research, Instruct, Plan) for lab group visits and conferring.

Consider culturally responsive tools and strategies and/or open-ended reflection questions to help push student thinking, evidence tracking, and connections to their lives.

  • Write-Pass protocol to have students share and refine their thinking

    Write-Pass protocol to have students share and refine their thinking.

    • Divide students into groups of four. (Different from their experimental groups)
    • The teacher posts a question that students must answer with an explanation. What do you think would happen if you had the “x” and “o” on opposite ends but on the same side of the tube?
    • Students each write their own ideas on a loose piece of paper.
    • Then the papers are all passed to the left.
    • Each student silently reads the student’s response (and any of the other students’ comments, on iterating rounds of this process).
    • Each student writes suggestions directly onto the original copy to help make their peers’ ideas sharper and clearer.
    • Repeat the pass-read-edit until each student gets to read and comment on each others’ ideas.
    • The original author of each statement reads their peers comments and writes a refined, final statement at the bottom of the paper to turn in.
  • Clarify and give concise definitions

    After students have had a chance to discuss key ideas from the lesson and complete their student guides, you can now clarify and give concise definitions to the forces they experimented with.

  • Real world connections -
    • Using what you might have learned about torque, why are door handles usually farthest away from the door hinges? What else do you use torque to move?
  • Suggestions for drawing, illustrating, presenting content in creative ways
    • Create a mobile with students and have teams compete to who can add on the most objects while keeping it balanced
    • Watch one of these videos and write, draw, or create your own video explaining torque, angular momentum, or what you learned.
  • Engineering and design challenges connected to the content

Check out this of a gyroscope in space. Think about how you could use this technology to help solve a problem.


Lesson 8.1 Torque

  • MS-PS4-3
    Integrate qualitative scientific and technical information to support the claim that digitized signals are a more reliable way to encode and transmit information than analog signals.
  • MS-PS4-1
    Use mathematical representations to describe a simple model for waves that includes how the amplitude of a wave is related to the energy in a wave.


Written by Rebecca Thompson

Art direction and coloring by Kerry G. Johnson

Illustrations by Kerry G. Johnson (Part 1) and David Ellis (Part 2)

Activity illustrations by Nancy Bennett-Karasik

Updated in 2023 by Sierra Crandell, M.Ed. partially funded by Eucalyptus Foundation

Extension by Jenna Tempkin with Society of Physics Students (SPS)

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