We all know that the sun gives us warmth and light, without which life on earth would have been impossible. The sun has been shining for approximately 4.6 billion years. As curious beings, it is natural to wonder about how the sun gets this tremendous amount of energy.
The simple answer is “thermonuclear fusion” and today we shall play a game that will demonstrate what are the three main requirements to achieve fusion. But before that, let us understand what the words “thermonuclear fusion” means.
You probably already know that all the things you see around us (tables, chairs, white boards, water, the air we breathe and even ourselves!) are made up of atoms. They are the smallest indestructible parts of matter with which all other things are built, hence also known as ‘the fundamental building blocks of Nature”. You might also know that there is a very tiny part, called the nucleus, inside all atoms. Now, if the nucleus of one atom merges together with the nucleus of another atom, we call that process “nuclear fusion”. The name simply comes from the fact that one nucleus effectively “fuses'' with another one.
Now, you might also realize that the word “thermo” means “related to temperature”. We all know about “thermometers” (which can measure our body temperature to check if we have fever) and “thermos” bottles (keeps our milk, tea or coffee hot) and “thermals” (clothes that keeps us warm). In the same line of thought, “thermonuclear fusion” refers to nuclear fusion that happens due to “thermal” effects, meaning that the nuclear fusion happens due to very high temperatures. We sometimes simply call this whole process “fusion”. Fusion is the physical process that gives the sun all the energy.
So, what happens inside our sun?
In the sun the nuclei of lighter elements, such as hydrogen [or its heavier forms such as deuterium (D) or tritium (T)] can merge together and produce a nucleus of a heavier element, such as helium (He) and in the process a lot of energy is produced. Similar fusion processes power not only our Sun, but also all the stars that you can see in the night sky.
Why is fusion important to us on earth?
To solve the need for generating almost unlimited amounts of clean energy for future generations, scientists are trying to achieve controlled fusion on earth to replicate the same physics that goes on inside the sun. This can be thought of as “making a sun on earth”. It is one of the biggest challenges facing humankind and is said to be “a holy grail of Physics”. Today we shall use a simple game to demonstrate what are the three main factors that will allow us to achieve controlled fusion on earth.