LED circuits
Created by DesignBite from Noun Project
Teacher Guide


Experimenting with batteries

This resource was originally published in PhysicsQuest 2016: Currents.

This is the teacher guide for this lesson. A student-focused guide to assist learners as they perform the activity is available.

View the student guide: Circuits

What are different types of circuits that can light up a bulb? What happens when you break each type?

  • 3 LEDs
  • 2 Coin batteries
  • Fun Dough

Students begin with discussing ideas of circuits of power. They experiment with building different circuits to make LED lights light up. Then, they break the circuits and record their observations. Students revisit their initial questions and work together to define key terms in relation to circuits.

  • Total time
    45 - 60 Minutes
  • Education level
    Grades 5 - 9
  • Content Area
  • Educational topic

The science behind current circuits is moving electric charge. Current in a river is moving water; current in a wire is moving charge. In some materials, such as metal or Fun Dough, it is very easy for current to flow. These materials are called conductors. When all charges are moving in the same direction in the conductor, there is a current. To make things super complicated, it is really the electrons moving. However, the direction of electrical current is the opposite direction of the moving electrons. If you need to draw an arrow in the direction of the current, you draw the arrow pointing “upstream” of the electron movement. It’s kind of confusing, but you can thank Ben Franklin for that. He chose to label the direction of current in this way and we’ve had to deal with his choices ever since. When you’ve made a complete circuit, current will be flowing through all the circuit elements (LEDs and “wires” made of Fun Dough). If you want to get charges moving, you need to have something to push them. That something is called the power source. In the circuits your students will be building, the power source is the two 3v coin batteries. Inside each battery, a chemical reaction creates a build-up of positive charges on the (+) end of the battery and negative charges on the (–) end of the battery. Because negative charges want to be near positive charges and away from other negative charges, as soon as there is a path for electrons from the (+) end of the battery to travel to the (–) end of the battery, the electrons will feel a push to move and—as a result— current will flow. Creating a circuit is just creating a path for those positive charges to get to the negative charges. It’s possible for a circuit to have more than one path, but there has to be at least one. If there is more than one possible path to get from one end of the power source to the other, the current can choose which path to take. When trying to figure out a path in the circuit, look at the connections and ask yourself, “What would an electron do?” Conductors such as wires allow current to flow easily. Insulators such as rubber stop current from flowing. Halfway between conductors and insulators are resistors. Resistors allow current to flow but slow it down, kind of like rocks in a river. In these circuits, the LEDs have small resistors inside them. The higher the resistance of something, the more it slows down the current. It’s always important to have at least a bit of resistance in a circuit. If there isn’t anything to slow down the current, it can go too fast and will burn out the battery and cause overheating. This is called a short circuit. When your students touch the two ends of the Fun Dough “wires'' together, they are creating a short circuit. The current doesn’t want to flow through the LED anymore because it has more resistance than the Fun Dough. Because there’s no current, the LED turns off. This activity has two types of circuits: series and parallel. Series circuits are made with all the LEDs arranged on the same path. Parallel circuits have LEDs on multiple paths, making it possible for the current to flow through one of several possible loops. When a resistor is added to a series circuit, it slows down the current. When more resistors are added, the current is slowed down even more. That’s why the LEDs in a series circuit become dimmer if more are added. If one of those LEDs were to burn out, the loop of the circuit would be broken and all of the other LEDs would go out, too. Instead, in a parallel circuit, if one LED goes out, it’s no big deal—the current can just take a different path. The final circuit your students will create is a combination of a series and parallel circuit. Pay attention to polarity. You will see a (+) symbol on the one side of your coin battery. The unmarked side is the negative (-). LEDs only allow current to flow in one direction. The current (flowing positive charges) must go in through the long leg and out through the short leg. Make sure the long leg is always closest to the (+) of the battery. Your students will be tracing out circuit diagrams with Fun Dough. Circuit diagrams are used in all electronics to identify what’s connected to what and how current will flow. It can be extremely difficult, even for the pros, to look at a circuit diagram and recreate it with wires. Wires are hard to manipulate sometimes and it can be really hard to look at a bird’s nest of wires and understand that it looks like the diagram. Hopefully by tracing it directly with Fun Dough, your students will have a better understanding of how to translate a circuit diagram into an actual circuit.

Key terms

These are the key terms that students should know by the END of the two lessons. They do not need to be front loaded. In fact, studies show that presenting key terms to students before the lesson may not be as effective as having students observe and witness the phenomenon the key terms illustrate beforehand and learn the formalized words afterwards. For this reason, we recommend allowing students to grapple with the experiments without knowing these words and then exposing them to the formalized definitions afterwards in the context of what they learned.

However, if these words are helpful for students on an IEP, ELL students, or anyone else that may need more support, please use at your discretion.

  • Circuit: A circuit is a closed loop through which charges move.
  • Current: Flow of positive charges. When a complete circuit is created with a battery, current flows.
  • Resistance: Resistance slows current down. The more resistance something has, the less current flows through it.
  • Rheostat: A rheostat is a circuit element that can change its resistance. Things like volume control knobs and light dimmer switches are examples of rheostats.

Students will create circuits and experiment with what happens when they are broken.

Before the Experiment
Ask & Discuss
  • Have you ever been using a microwave and a hair dryer at the same time?

    Have you ever been using a microwave and a hair dryer at the same time and your whole kitchen loses power? Why do you think that happens? What do you think you could do to stop that from happening?

Turn & Talk protocol
  • Turn & Talk protocol
    • Pair students up
    • Give them a minute to think quietly
    • Give students 2 minutes to discuss their thinking
    • Have students record their answers or share out to the whole group
Setting Up
  • Put a small amount of Fun Dough between the positive side of one battery and the negative side of the other battery.

    Put a small amount of Fun Dough between the positive (+) side of one battery and the negative (-) side of the other battery.

  • Place the long leg of one LED on the positive side of the battery combo and place the short leg on the negative side

    Place the long leg of one LED on the positive (+) side of the battery combo and place the short leg on the negative (-) side. Does it light up? If so, great! If not, make sure you have positive to negative with the batteries and the long leg is on the positive side.

  • Create two “snakes” with the Fun Dough

    Create two “snakes” with the Fun Dough. These are your wires.

  • Attach one snake to the positive end of the battery and the other one to the negative end

    Attach one snake to the positive end of the battery and the other one to the negative end. Make sure the snakes don’t touch each other.

  • See Fig 1

    Put the long leg of the LED into the Fun Dough snake attached to the positive side of the battery and the LED’s short leg into the snake attached to the negative side. (Fig. 1)

  • What happens?

    What happens?

During the Experiment
Collecting Data
  • Make sure students are put into intentional groups

    Make sure students are put into intentional groups. See above.

  • Students will complete the experiment using the Student Guide

    Students will complete the experiment using the Student Guide where we have outlined the experiment for students and along the way, they record results and answer questions.

Analyzing Data
  • In the student guide, they will answer questions that help them understand circuits

    In the student guide, they will answer questions that help them understand circuits.

  • Continue to listen in on each group’s discussion

    Continue to listen in on each group’s discussion, answer as few questions as possible. Even if a group is off a little, they will have a chance to work out these stuck points later.

Teacher Tips
  • Suggested STEP UP Everyday Actions to incorporate into activity

    Suggested STEP UP Everyday Actions to incorporate into activity

    • When pairing students, try to have male/female partners and invite female students to share their ideas first
    • As you put students into groups, consider having female or minority students take the leadership role.
    • Take note of female participation. If they seem to be taking direction and following along, elevate their voice by asking them a question about their experiment.
  • Consider using white boards

    Consider using white boards so students have time to work through their ideas and brainstorms before saying them out loud.

  • Roam around the room to listen in on discussion and notice experiment techniques

    As students experiment, roam around the room to listen in on discussion and notice experiment techniques. If needed, stop the class and call over to a certain group that has hit on an important concept.

  • Consider using the RIP protocol

    Consider using the RIP protocol (Research, Instruct, Plan) for lab group visits and conferring.

  • Consider culturally responsive tools and strategies

    Consider culturally responsive tools and strategies and/or open ended reflection questions to help push student thinking, evidence tracking, and connections to their lives. Look for *** below to find suggested places to add.

  • Revisit opening questions and have students write an explanation for each question

    Revisit opening questions and have students write an explanation for each question.

  • Use the Claim-pass protocol to have students share and refine their thinking

    Use the Claim-pass protocol to have students share and refine their thinking.

    1. One person in each group writes a claim (can be provided by the teacher or not) at the top of a paper with the following questions: Have you ever been using a microwave and a hair dryer at the same time and your whole kitchen loses power? Why do you think that happens? What do you think you could do to stop that from happening?
    2. the pencil in response to a recent observation of a phenomenon.
    3. The student who wrote passes the paper and the pencil to the left.
    4. The person with the paper writes one piece of evidence that supports the claim under the claim
    5. The paper and pencil are passed to the left.
  • Real world connections -
    • What kind of circuit is used to run electricity through where you live - series or parallel? (Think about whether or not turning off one light turns off the rest, or if you can have some lights on while others are off)
  • Suggestions for drawing, illustrating, presenting content in creative ways
  • Engineering and design challenges connected to the content

There are other items that can be used to make a battery for a circuit – have students explore what other items might be able to power a circuit (ex: potato, lemon etc.)

  • MS-PS4-3
    Integrate qualitative scientific and technical information to support the claim that digitized signals are a more reliable way to encode and transmit information than analog signals.
  • MS-PS4-1
    Use mathematical representations to describe a simple model for waves that includes how the amplitude of a wave is related to the energy in a wave.


Created by Rebecca Thompson, Ph.D., David Ellis, Amanda J Ellis

Activity layout by Donna Giachetti

Images by James Roche

Updated in 2023 by Sierra Crandell, M.Ed. partially funded by Eucalyptus Foundation

Extension by Jenna Tempkin with Society of Physics Students (SPS)

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