Addressing the Global Energy Challenge: Accelerating the Transition to Carbon-Neutral Energy Sources
The American Physical Society strongly advocates that the United States: 1) implement policies that promote conservation, efficiency, sustainability, resilience, innovation, and energy equity throughout the global energy system; 2) make sustained and broad-based investments in research and development of long-lasting reduced-carbon and carbon-neutral energy cycles and technologies; and 3) support research into means of reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gases and heat-trapping emissions in the atmosphere. Such policies and investments are essential to ensure our national security and to provide an adequate range of options that will protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as called for in the APS Statement on Earth's Changing Climate. Equity considerations also suggest that the U.S. and other developed nations take a leadership role in these efforts.
The global demand for energy continues to grow as the world population increases and as nations expand or address concerns of development, equity and security. To minimize the detrimental climate impacts of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel-generated energy, there must be a global move toward carbon-neutral or carbon-free sources of energy that are as environmentally benign and globally affordable as possible throughout their life cycle. The transition to low-fossil carbon emissions will require changes in how energy is generated, used, stored, and equitably distributed worldwide. Energy distribution and storage systems of all scales will also need to have high degrees of stability, adaptability, resilience, and cost-effectiveness.
Physics research plays a vital role in addressing the technological challenges associated with creating a global economy that is based on long-lasting, and ultimately, carbon-neutral or carbon-free sources of energy and systems that minimize harm to the global environment. Additionally, the physics community must continue to do its part to educate the public and train the present and future workforce in energy research, development, and technology.
The review process for any statement may be started at any time if deemed necessary by the Panel on Public Affairs, and at least once every five years.